Thursday, October 30, 2014

Black Minister like Rev. James Meeks and Corey Brooks have betrayed the black community for money. It's a shame for them to turn there back on their own people for personal gain. Bruce Rauner is against everything for the black people. Governor Pat Quinn is not the best, but why vote against your own interests. This is like the Tea Party who voted against the Affordable Care Act. Because the Republican called it Obama Care. Meeks and Brook is against Quinn because he didn't give them a meet $10,000. They sold their people out for money that they will pay back in despair for their people in the years Rauner will be in office. Minimum pay will not increase and the Affordable Care Act will be limited. The people of Illinois will suffer especially the Middle-class, poor and Blacks. If I was a member of Meeks or Brooks Church I would never go back. They are not Men of God they are Men for MONEY. Don't believe the HYPE.

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